We've all heard it or even seen it on Twitter and Instragram.. You probably even rolled your eyes, huh? The new year of 2015 will drag along the oh-so familiar New Years Resolutions. You know, the ones where people promise to exercise more or save more money. Although there are millions of people in the world, there are always a few resolutions that appear frequently between them all. Losing weight, getting organized, saving money, living life to the fullest, and falling in love are common resolutions made by the hopeful and optimistic. At some point or another, all of us have made a resolution but, if I can assume correctly, most of us haven't kept it. In America alone, 55% of the population make resolutions every year. 88% of those people fail in their resolutions which is about 156 million unsuccessful resolution plans.
So Why Doesn't It Work?
Scientifically, your brain can't handle the willpower it takes to take on this new goal on top of everything else that happens in your day to day life. It's helpful to pick only one resolution to focus on. If your brain scientifically can't take one, how in the world will it take more than one? Additionally, people make the mistake of making too vague of goals and resolutions. We'll take 'Losing Weight' for an example. It's a perfectly good resolution but where do you start? You should focus on building good, small habits first rather than diving head first into a full on gym routine that will leave you sore, unhappy, and not wanting to work out again. Something like taking a walk around the block every evening is a great place to start. Once that gets easy for you, you graduate into something else like running, and then maybe after that you'll add in some weights. In breaking down your goals, you're 50% more likely to succeed.
Make New Years All Year!
Just because people make New Years Resolutions, it doesn't mean that is the only time for you to change something in your life. Resolutions are a wonderful thing that you should work on year-round. It never hurts to try something new! It's important to stay positive and motivated! A lot of people who tell their friends and family their resolutions are more likely to succeed because they have people rooting them on. So remember; Pick one resolution, make good habits, take baby steps, and stay positive!