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Dumb International Laws (by Sareureuk )

Last week I made an article about dumb laws in the US. And I thought it's not fair to point out only the stupid US laws, so this article is about dumb laws all around the world.

• Clergymen may not wear their religious garb in public. [and here it seems as if they’re not allowed to ever get out of them]
• During Holy Week, no horses or wheeled transport is allowed in the city.
• No fireworks may be thrown by hand during Holy Week.
• All males must wear trousers, and such groups of employees as hack drivers and newspaper delivery boys must adopt uniforms.
• Boneshakers, safety bicycles, and any other similar machines are banned from the center of town.
• Bicycle riders may not lift either foot from the paddles, as it might result in a loss of control.
• Any kind of nude artistic display is illegal. [prudes]


• In Calgary, Alberta it is illegal to buy and/or sell nonprescription contacts at costume shops
• Comic books which depict any illegal acts are banned.
• Wooden logs may not be painted.
• It is illegal to pretend to practice witchcraft.
• The color of house and garage doors is regulated by city bylaws (a purple door get you a fine).
• You can’t work on your car in the street.
• You may not wash your car in the street.
• It’s illegal to climb trees on city property in Oshawa, Ontario • You may not park a car in such a way that it is blocking your own driveway.
• When raining, a person may not water his/her lawn. [facepalm]
• It is illegal to eat ice-cream on Bank Street on a Sunday.
• Cars parked in public places must be locked, and their windows must be down to less than the width of a hand.
• Margarine producers can’t make their margarine yellow.
• In a small town in Switzerland it is illegal to ride down hills with a bike.
• Though it is illegal to produce, store, sell and trade absinth (special alcohol), it is legal to consume it.
• It is required that every car with snow tires has to have a sticker on its dashboard which tells that the driver should not drive faster than 160 km/h with these tires.
• If you forget your car-keys inside the car and you leave the car open, you will be punished. [Note: never go there if you’re clumsy]
• Clothes may not be hung to dry on Sunday. [I will hang my clothes out to dry whenever I wish to, thank you]
• You may not wash your car on a Sunday. [Wouldn’t have anyways. It’s Sunday. I would want to relax]
• It is considered an offense to mow your lawn on a Sunday, because it causes too much noise. [Oh my God, such sensitive people...]
• It is illegal to flush the toilet after 10 PM [oh hell nah, I shall pee when my bladder says so]
• A man may not relieve himself while standing up, after 10 PM [erm... okay]


• It is illegal to repaint a house without a painting license and the government’s permission. [like hell... I can paint a damn house I can do it on my own]
• You may only own half a meter down in the ground of any land you own. [Does this mean the graves aren’t 2m deep because ew...]
• While prostitution is legal, it is illegal to use the services of a prostitute. [we all know there’s a lot of underground jobs...]
• If you release pigs into a acorn wood (or a beechnut wood) mutually owned by you and at least one more, and exceeded your quota of allowed pigs, you will have to pay a fine for each pig to the other owners and to restore any damages caused by the extra pigs. [Beware: PIGS!!!!]

United Kingdom

• No cows may be driven down the roadway between 10 AM and 7 PM unless there is prior approval from the Commissioner of Police. [This is brutality. My cow loves to... 4pm sun on its skin...]
• Divorces are outlawed.
• Those wishing to purchase a television must also buy a license. [I need a license for a tv? Really? Gimme a computer then]
• It is illegal for a lady to eat chocolates on a public conveyance. [Good thing I’m not a lady]
• Committing suicide is classified as a capital crime. [... The person is already dead... you can’t punish him with capital sentence]
• Damaging the grass is illegal. [It hurts the grass’ feelings]
• Any boy under the age of 10 may not see a naked manequin. • Interfering with the mail or sleeping with the consort of the Queen is classed as treason, and as such, carries a maximum penalty of death. [So... interfering with the mail and sleeping with the consort of the Queen are valued at the same level of morality?]
• All English males over the age 14 are to carry out 2 or so hours of longbow practice a week supervised by the local clergy. [Can this apply to girls, please? Because I’m moving there]
• Under the reign of Elizabeth I, any person found guilty of “harboring a Catholic priest” would be tortured or even hanged.
• It is illegal to leave baggage unattended.
• Placing a postage stamp that bears the Queen (or King) upside down is considered treason.
• London Hackney Carriages (taxis/cabs) must carry a bale of hay and a sack of oats. [perfectly normal] • You can only shoot a Welsh person with a bow and arrow inside the city walls and after midnight. [How old is this law? XD]


• Prostitution is illegal, but being a prostitute is not
• Licenses must be bought in order to own television sets, and even VCRs. [This is clearly outdated. Who even buys a VCR player anymore?]
• You may not spay your female dog or cat. [yes... live in the torture of meowing cats coming from the very deepest pits of hell]


• It is legal to smoke pot, buy it, or have less than 5 grams with you.
• Prostitution is legal but the prostitutes must pay taxes like any other business.


• It is illegal to die in the Italian village of Falciano del Massico, as issued by the mayor. [Hey, Grimm, I’m sorry, I can’t die right now, I’m in Falciano del Massico. Can’t you wait until I am done with visiting? Thank you]
• It is illegal to practice the profession of charlantry.
• A man may be arrested for wearing a skirt. [talk about equal rights]
• Striking someone with a fist is considered a felony.


• All electronic games are banned. [Have fun everyone!]
• One could not wear a hat in the Olympic Stadium in ancient times as it would obstruct someone’s view.


• A driver who needs to turn through oncoming traffic has the right of way unless he slows down or stops.


• No one may start a car while someone is underneath the vehicle.
• Headlights must be on whenever a vehicle is being operated in order to distinguish it from parked cars.
• When driving, you must have someone in front of your car with a flag to warn horse drawn carriages that a motorcar is coming.
• There is a penalty of 20kr for not reporting when a person has died. • Persons may not wear a mask.
• One may not be charged for food at an inn unless that person, by his or her own opinion, is “full”.
• Restaurants may not charge for water unless it is accompanied by another item such as ice or a lemon slice.
• If a horse drawn carriage is trying to pass a car and the horse becomes uneasy, the owner of the car is required to pull over and if necessary, cover the car.
• Attempt to escape from prison is not illegal, however, if one he is caught he is required to serve out the remainder of his term.


• In ads for products that contain salt or sugar, it’s mandatory to include that you should exercise and eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day
• In France, you can legally marry a dead person as long as preliminary civic formalities have been completed which show that you and your fiance had planned to marry before your fiance died. • An ashtray is considered to be a deadly weapon.
• Between the hours of 8AM and 8PM, 70% of music on the radio must be by French artists.
• It is illegal to kiss on railways in France.
• No pig may be addressed as Napoleon by its owner.
• It is forbidden without a cemetery plot to die on the territory of the commune.


• Every office must have a view of the sky, however small.
• A pillow can be considered a “passive” weapon.
•It is illegal to wear a mask.
• It is illegal for ones car to run out of gas on the Autobahn.


• Any person who shall pretend or exercise to use any type of witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment, or pretend knowledge in any occult or craft or science shall for any such offense suffer imprisonment at the time of one whole year and also shall be obliged to obscure for his/her good behavior.


• Taxi drivers must pay royalties if they play music in their cars for paying customers.
• Underground power lines and overhead power lines can’t be by the roadside at the same time, they can only be placed at the roadside alone
• All people in Finland must pay a TV tax whether or not they own a TV [I don’t even own a TV. PAY TAX FOR TV NOW! Makes a lot of sense]
• You must pay a fine of no more than $2000 Baht in Thailand if you’re caught littering on the sidewalk.
• You must wear a shirt while driving a car.
• It is illegal to leave your house if you are not wearing underwear. [who checks?]
• No one may step on any of the nation’s currency.


• Cars whose license plates end with a 1 or 2 are not allowed on the roads on Monday, 3 or 4 on Tuesday, 5 or 6 on Wednesday, 7 or 8 on Thursday, and 9 or 0 on Friday from 7:00 AM


• Bungee jumping is illegal. [Aka never go to this country if you wanna have some fun]
• As it is considered pornographic, you may not walk around your home nude. [It’s pornographic to be in your own house... alone... nude... may I shower without my clothes on?] • It is considered an offense to enter the country with cigarettes.
• Cigarettes are illegal at all public places.
• It is illegal to come within 50 meters of a pedestrian crossing marker on any street.
• If you are convicted of littering three times, you will have to clean the streets on Sundays with a bib on saying, “I am a litterer”. [This should be EVERYWHERE!!!]
• It is illegal to pee in an elevator. [why would one do it?] • The sale of gum is prohibited. [List of countries I want to visit before I die: NOT SINGAPORE]
• Homosexuals are not allowed to live in the country. [KILL ThE COUNTRY WITH FIRE BEFORE IT LAYS MORE EGGS!!!]
• Oral sex is illegal unless it is used as a form of foreplay.
• Pornography is illegal. [As in... quite a number of countries. Poor everyone who needs to rub one out]

• There is no age of consent.
• After 11 PM no one is allowed to dance in the clubs anymore. Police regularly check and those who are dancing have to pay a fine. The clubs are still open, there’s just no dancing allowed


• Persons may only bear one child or risk paying a substantial fine.
•To go to college you must be intelligent.
• Drivers of power-driven vehicles who stop at pedestrian crossings are liable to a fine of up to five yuan, or a warning.


• Water guns may not be used in New Year’s celebrations. [spoiling all the fun]

• It is forbidden to bring bears to the beach.
• The raising of Rotweiller dogs is prohibited. [But they are seriously one of the sweetest dog breeds]
• Picking one’s nose on the Sabbath is illegal.
• Bicycles may not ridden without a license.
• Raising a pig on Israeli soil will result in the murder of said pig.
• If you have been maintaining an illegal radio station for five or more years, the station becomes legal.


•Anyone in company with someone who possesses narcotics, even if they are unaware that their companion has them, can be tried for the same crime. [seems logic]

South Africa

• A license is required to purchase a television set.
• In the days of aparthed, all people of colour had to be indoors by 9 PM, at which time a siren was sounded.
• Young people wearing bathing suits are prohibited from sitting less than 12 inches apart. [I came here with my boyfriend. So what? 12 inches apart!!!]


• Citizens may not make offensive gestures at a passing state motorcade.


• Any woman who wears pants faces a possible punishment of having the pants ripped off her and torn to pieces by soldiers. [Wow there... *backs away*]
• Young girls may not shake hands with men.
• It is illegal to walk on the right hand side of a footpath.
• Under Australian Communications Authority (ACA) regulations, a modem can’t pick up on the first ring. • Bars are required to stable, water and feed the horses of their patrons.
• The legal age for straight sex is 16, unless the person is in the care/custody of the older person, in which case it is 18.
• It is illegal to wear hot pink pants after midday Sunday. [but dude... BEACH]
• Only licensed electricians may change a light bulb. [this is dumb as eff I can’t even count how many times I’ve changed a light bulb. I should already have a license]
• You must have a neck to knee swimsuit in order to swim at Brighton Beach. [What?]
• Children may not purchase cigarettes, but they may smoke them. [Slow clap]
• Until the Port Arthur Killings it was legal to own an AK-47 but not legal to be gay.
• Lawmakers are proposing a new law that will not allow anyone to come closer than 100 meters from a dead whale’s carcass.

Note: Some of these laws are just for fun. Some are actual existing laws, but this article is only for fun.

Thank you Simone [Unashamed] for this lovely layout ♥

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Comment on the article Dumb International Laws.
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Sareureuk wrote on 25-03 08:23:
Sareureuk wrote:
HaileeLove wrote:
Young people wearing bathing suits are prohibited from sitting less than 12 inches apart. [I came here with my boyfriend. So what? 12 inches apart!!!]

I live in SA and I never in my life have I heard it before. And if it really exist, no one does anything to enforce it.

Note: Some of these laws are just for fun. Some are actual existing laws, but this article is only for fun.
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Sareureuk wrote on 25-03 08:22:
Sareureuk wrote:
Ailee wrote:
i thought singapore or somewhere in asia, chewing gum in public places was not allowed like wtf and now selling gum is illegal.
funny article

It's illegal to even have gum on you. You're not even allowed to bring it from another country
And I'm like... oh hell no. I live for gum
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HaileeLove wrote on 25-03 08:17:
HaileeLove wrote:
Young people wearing bathing suits are prohibited from sitting less than 12 inches apart. [I came here with my boyfriend. So what? 12 inches apart!!!]

I live in SA and I never in my life have I heard it before. And if it really exist, no one does anything to enforce it.
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Hashiyan wrote on 25-03 01:28:
Hashiyan wrote:
i thought singapore or somewhere in asia, chewing gum in public places was not allowed like wtf and now selling gum is illegal.
funny article
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Popunzel wrote on 24-03 21:37:
Popunzel wrote:
Wtf England I had no idea about most of them lollol great article :)

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