Materials Needed:
- Journal/Notebook
- Writing Utensil
Open the journal/notebook to a fresh page
Write down a title (be creative as you wish). For every entry, be sure to note the date and what or who you are thankful for. I'd also recommend using different pages to write down a bucket list of movies/tv series you are interested in watching or books you are interested in reading.
Looking back at some of the things you are thankful for can make you realize that some situations may not be too bad. Also, crossing off a few bucket list items will leave you with a sense of accomplishment.
Materials Needed:
- Jar/Cup
- Permanent Marker
- Post-it Notes
Tear or cut the post-it note into four sections. Write any positive memory, motivational quote, or compliment on all of the post-its.
Place all the notes into your jar or cup.
Whenever you're feeling down, pick out a card from your jar/cup.
Open the card and be reminded of a positive memory, one of your positive attitudes, or receive motivation.
Any positive memory, motivation, or compliment may help to cheer you up, if only a little bit.
Thanks to Elysiae for the layout!