Recently in the world! North Korea has been threatening the USA and South Korea with a Nuke strike. Many experts however believe that North Korea does not have the technology to mount an attack, however in a precautionary measure the US has announced it is moving a missile defense system to an island in the pacific ocean.
Newbie week a success! Newbie week now passed I feel the week has been very successful! thank you to all the people who took part and enjoyed themselves! It was lovely seeing all of you working so hard to make the new people on Virtual Popstar feel welcomed. Thank you!
Easter! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend! How many of you are feeling sick to your stomach at the thought of eating more chocolate? I know I am. There's only so much chocolate you can eat in one day!
New Clothes! Its been wonderful seeing the new colours around VP with all the new design combinations. A big THANK YOU to the wonderful designers and artist around VP who worked so hard to get these clothes done for all the users.
And now to leave you with another quick contest! The 3rd and 4th person to answer correctly will win a prize, send your answer to Zombiism. "What colour is the screen on 'The Socialize' achievement on VP?"