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Unique Words to know (by Sareureuk )

I've always had a knack for unique words. Not only those which were in English, but I love knowing words in other languages, words which do not exist in my own language or in the English language, words which describe a whole scenery or feeling. So I've decided to share some of these words with you guys, let you show how unique and beautiful every language is. 

여우비 Yeoubi - a sunshower. The event of having a light rain while the sun is still shining. Literally: fox rain
사르륵 Sareureuk - describes the sound and the motion of snowflakes melting under warmer temperature or under the morning sunshine
눈 웃음 nun useum - The form one's eyes take, usually in the shape of a semi-circle or arch, when they smile or laugh. Literally: Eye laugh
아쉬움 aswium - A mingling of unsatisfaction, wistfulness, disappointment, regret, higher hopes, frustration and sadness. It’s the feeling you get when you fail an exam by 1%. Or what you experience when you’ve probably eaten enough, but feel like there’s a little something missing.
정 Jeong - A 
connection feeling of friendliness or connection with everything that interacts with us; a feeling of deep association with somebody or something to the point that it is a part of you and it is inseparable; a special feeling that goes beyond just mere “feeling,” “compassion,” “sentiment,” and “affection”
눈치 Nunchi - The subtle art of listening and gauging others’ moods; the ability to know what not to say in a certain social situation; the ability to ‘pick up’ things without people having to show or say to you directly. Literally: Eye measure
風韻 /风韵 Fēngyùn - (a woman’s) charm; personal charm, graceful bearing. Literally: wind sound
關係/关系Guānxì - Personal relationship or connection based on mutual trust, loyalty and commitment by exchanging and returning favors so that all share the same benefit
老同 Lǎotóng - A form of eternal friendship between “heart sisters” – two women who were closer than husband and wife. Literally: old same
搶鏡頭/抢镜头 Qiǎng jìngtóu - A fight to get in a better position to take a picture (when referring to a photographer);  someone who steals the spotlight (when referring to a person in general)
审美疲劳 Shěnměi píláo - Ao see so much beauty that one does not appreciate it anymore. Literally: aesthetically fatigued
忐忑 Tǎntè - A mixture of feeling uneasy and worried, as if you can feel your own heart beat. Ideogrammatic, from 上 (“up”), 下 (“down”) and 心 (“heart”)
為-無為  Wéi wú wéi - A “conscious nonaction”; a deliberate and principled decision to do nothing whatsoever, and to do it for a particular reason
緣分/缘分 Yuánfèn - A relationship brought by fate or destiny. The binding force which eventually links two people together in love
餘音 /余音 Yúyīn - The remnants of sound that stay in the ears after the sound has stopped
一日三秋 Yí rì sān qiū - Intensely missing or longing for someone, that a single day apart feels as long as three years. Literally: One day, three autumns
rbejdsglæde - delightful feeling of joy, contentment and satisfaction with one’s work as an employee. Literally: Work happiness
yggelig - A feeling of openness, warmth & friendship often between friends; a complete absence of anything annoying, irritating or emotionally overwhelming, and the presence of and pleasure from comforting, gentle and soothing things
tøvfnug - Each of the particles of dust rendered visible by light; a mote in a sunbeam. Literally: Dust flakes
ilig - The delightful feeling that sends shivers of pleasure down the spine as one encounters something romantic —  butterflies in the stomach, blushing, smiling or giggling uncontrollably, irrepressible noises from one’s mouth, heart melting, heart-aching goodness 
Torpe - T
he quality of a young man, being too shy to pursue amorous desires to someone adored; describes a guy who becomes speechless and just can’t approach a girl he likes
Sgriob - 
he itchiness that overcomes the upper lip just before taking a sip of whisky
Pana po'o - 
o scratch your head in order to help you remember something you’ve forgotten 
Binnenpretje - T
he amusement felt upon thinking about something funny one often starts smiling or giggling all by himself, but it can’t be shared with others for some reason
Liefdesverdriet - 
he sadness, depression or pain one feels about a love unanswered or love that is gone; heartbreak
Miepert - 
omeone who is making cute little complaints
Buaya darat - A
 man who fools women into thinking he’s a very faithful lover, when in fact he goes out with many different women at the same time. Literally: Land crocodile
Lucu - D
escribes something that is simultaneously funny and cute (i.e. a clumsy puppy, falling over and making a fool of itself) 
会うは別れの始まり Au wa wakare no hajimari - "To meet is the beginning of parting
森林浴 Shinrin yoku - A visit to the forest for relaxation. Literally: Forest bathing
秋思 Shuushi - A feeling of deep sadness associated with the autumn season. Literally: Autumnul melancholy 
Yoko meshi - 
The peculiar stress induced by speaking a foreign language. Literally: Vertical rice or a meal eaten sideways
口が寂しい Kuchi ga sabishii - Eating, drinking or smoking when you don’t need to. Literally: My mouth is lonely
木漏れ日 Komorebi - Dappled sunlight that filters through the leaves of trees
恋の予感) Koi no yokan - The sense can have upon first meeting another person that the two of them are going to fall in love. This differs from the idea “love at first sight” in that it does not imply that the feeling of love exists, rather it refers to the knowledge that a future love is inevitable. Literally: Premonition of love
風光る Kaze hikaru - A warm breeze of spring that follows after a dark cold winter, comes and breathes gently upon the skin, as if like a shining radiance
川明かり Kawa akari - The gleam of last light on a river’s surface at dusk; the glow of a river in the darkness 
いただきます Itadakimasu - Said before starting a meal to express gratitude for all who played a role in preparing, cultivating, ranching or hunting the food. Literally: I humbly receive (this meal)
引き籠もり / ひきこもり Hikikomori - An adolescent or a young adult who has withdrawn from social life, often obsessed with television, internet and video games, and rarely ever leaves one’s room
花笑み Hanaemi - A smile that is as beautiful as blooming flowers, calling people to feel happy. Literally: Flowering smile
āpšļmurslis - A person who is cramped while riding public transportation, especially during rush hour
afuné - The act of tenderly running one’s fingers through someone’s hair
Desbundar - T
o shed your inhibitions and self-restraint and have fun like there’s no tomorrow, causing wonder and surprise with your atypical behavior
Madrugada - T
he moment at dawn when the night greets the day

These are, of course, just a few of the many wonderful and very beautiful words there are in the spoken languages. What are your favourite words from this list? What are some other  words in your language, or a foreign language you know, that you love?

Many special thanks to Jo [Hashiyan] for this absolutely gorgeous and simply beautiful layout ♥

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Private wrote on 23-09 17:45:
Ara wrote:
Ah, I love words! I will definitely look at these later crazy
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Sareureuk wrote on 23-09 00:07:
Sareureuk wrote:
MariaNieves111 wrote:
seems like they're all asian ... i mean the words ! i've heard of a Gumiho which means a fox rain and btw , i actually have a thing for unique words as well . Thanks for sharing , i really appreciate it .clap

There's dutch words, Gaelic words, danish words, Hawaiian words, Portuguese words too. 
As for fox rain it comes from yeou which is fox and bi which is rain
Gumiho is a Korean legend of a fox with 9 tails which can take the appearance of a woman for a certain amount of time before she herself becomes a complete human.
Please do not confuse the two things

I'm glad you have enjoyed the article
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Private wrote on 22-09 21:40:
Swan wrote:
Omg binnenpretje & liefdesverdriet :') CANT BREATHEEE 

But great job! It seems super interesting!
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Holy wrote on 22-09 21:34:
Holy wrote:
this is really interesting to read
good job

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