Pug, a member of Virtual Popstar since the very first day, is now a moderator. Don't forget to give her a huge congratulations!
Lets welcome and congratulate Six to the Virtual Popstar News Team!
We have quite a few new features! If you set your birthday, you'll receive a cake next to your name and appear on the top of the online list so the community can wish you a happy birthday! To set it, go to Home -> Profile Settings.
We also have a new report feature. If you send in a report, it'll automatically go to the moderators to resolve your issue faster. The report button can be found on the bottom right hand corner of every post as well as the top right hand corner of every message!
Are you creative? Interested in writing short stories or journalism? Then check out the Creativity competition to have a chance to have your article or story featured in the daily news as well as win some PD and credits! Visit the competitions board for more information!
A federal court ruled this week that girls under the age of 17 should be able to purchase emergency contraceptives without a prescription, overturning the Obama administration's ban.
Angelina Jolie pledged $200,000 to The Malala Fund, a charity organization that aims to educate young girls. The Malala Fund was created by 15 year old Malala Yousafzai, who is recovering from an assasination attempt by the Taliban.
Michael Jackson's son, Prince Jackson, is rumored to be dating Arabian Princess Remi Alfalah, who attends the same school as Prince.
Book Nook Featured April Release: The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa Genre: Dystopia, Paranormal
Do you want to place a free advertisement in next week's Virtual Popstar Sunday article? Send a message to Ali with your content! You can advertise anything, from a record label to something celebratory in your life! Limited space available.