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#TeamTrees (by Private)

Team Trees is a collaborative fundraising challenge which purpose is to plant 20 million trees by 2020. The challenge was started by the Youtubers MrBeast and Mark Robe. It all started when fans of MrBeast suggested he should plant 20 million trees to celebrate reaching 20 million subscribers on YouTube. When Mark Rober heard of that he quickly wanted to partner up with MrBeast to make the challenge become reality.

All the donations will go to Arbor Day Foundation which is a tree-planting organization that is going to plant one tree for every U.S. dollar donated. The trees will start to be planted in January 2020 and it will be done by no later than December 2022, the trees are going to be planted all over the world where there is a need of more trees. On November 6th they reached 13 million and the day after that they reached 14 million and now on the morning of November 8th they have around 14.3 million.

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Private wrote on 13-11 22:58:
Snakkes wrote:
Sweet! I was actually going to post something abt TeamTrees in the shouts, but realized I was dirt poor lmao

My little brother donated 5 bucks, but I'm no more successful in real life currency than I am with virtual currency. Again, dirt poor LOL DIRT poor do you get it because trees
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Private wrote on 13-11 22:31:
Ouch wrote:
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Private wrote on 12-11 14:36:
Marcelien wrote:
amazing initiative. just donated a lil bit to help!<3
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Private wrote on 11-11 18:54:
Rochellette wrote:
Is so awesome when 'famous' people do something so valuable to all of us like this. Thank you for share this with us I'm big enthusiastic of environment and movements that made something to take care of it, I didn't know anything about this youtuber but is a great cause the one his working on and so nice of people responding to this is so great!

Love the green layout so much, I can stay here watching VP looking good. It would be nice if we can make this our home page
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Private wrote on 11-11 17:50:
Rotte wrote:
I like this! The topic of geography today was the climate problems and how we can fix them and i told my teacher about this. when i checked earlier it was 14.7million! I'm so amazed that in just weeks so many people have raised money and even so many big people donated amongs elon musk and the creator of spotify! 
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Private wrote on 11-11 15:31:
Amren wrote:
Also, great article Libertas, it's good to talk about these things! I was really happy to make a layout for it ^-^
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Private wrote on 11-11 15:24:
Amren wrote:
Chalya wrote:
And also, just to mention, YOU can also plant trees and for free, it just takes to change your search engine with Ecosia!
Oeh I heard about that once, I'm gonna check that out later today when I'm on my laptop ^-^
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Private wrote on 11-11 14:18:
Era wrote:
Chalya wrote:
Great article and amazing layout! 👏
It's nice to see some ppl becoming real activists!

And also, just to mention, YOU can also plant trees and for free, it just takes to change your search engine with Ecosia! All 45 research there's a new tree on earth thanks to you~
They also have an app that I use every time, it's literally Google Chrome (For the curious the search engine is based on Chromium).
Ecosia added ✓
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Chalya wrote on 11-11 14:14:
Chalya wrote:
Great article and amazing layout! 👏
It's nice to see some ppl becoming real activists!

And also, just to mention, YOU can also plant trees and for free, it just takes to change your search engine with Ecosia! All 45 research there's a new tree on earth thanks to you~
They also have an app that I use every time, it's literally Google Chrome (For the curious the search engine is based on Chromium).
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Private wrote on 11-11 14:13:
Chlorine wrote:
btw we really need a petition to change the badges to the ones you guys make because it looks so much more professesional and clean  
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Private wrote on 11-11 14:09:
Chlorine wrote:
I was actually waiting for this article hahah 
Good job! 
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Private wrote on 11-11 14:08:
Libertas wrote:
I hope you all enjoy this article! Thank you to Amren for the beautiful layout 

It's a really interesting challenge and I'm sure they are going to hit their goal soon! 

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