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Below are the last blogs of this player. You can also post comments or subscribe.
@wug1022-09-2023 12:33
ur mum304-12-2022 20:16
Goatifi316-09-2022 19:53
Uninteresting310-07-2022 01:33
eurovision 20221724-03-2022 21:50
not losers 731-10-2021 01:04
no longer soy lago023-05-2021 19:54
Pre-contest 20211627-04-2021 00:47
a blog811-04-2021 02:14
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah503-04-2021 23:18
Eurovision and my life1225-01-2021 00:54
Bwoah017-01-2021 13:03
The 70th Season of F1: A summary2021-12-2020 21:16
Important Content1511-12-2020 18:38
Italian GP 2020810-09-2020 22:07
Halfway through 20201627-06-2020 12:36
😍Artemi Panarin😍806-06-2020 13:36
🥰 Lando Norris 🥰1105-06-2020 23:08
Ranking Eurovision Winners 2000s914-05-2020 15:08
Favourite Moomin Mugs part 3129-03-2020 17:26
Personal: 20201107-01-2020 23:29
Allegedly surprising music614-12-2019 21:28
Eurovision 2010s Personal Ranking1922-09-2019 22:50
Top 10 Eurovision 2019 218-07-2019 23:59
Ranking Eurovision Winners 2010s2117-07-2019 02:09
sneak peak on the time to come824-05-2019 00:19
Favourite Moomin Mugs part 2111-05-2019 20:05
Favourite Moomin Mugs part 11419-03-2019 00:08

 ReportEurovision and my life
1998: I was born, last year with the language rule which stated that all entries must be in an official language of the country 

1999: I had learnt to walk with a cast because my freakish extra thumb was removed, most countries decided to send a song in English while Lithuania decided to send a song in a language no one has heard of 

2000: Europe collectively decided they didn't know what proper music is, by then I had already allegedly started talking and my sister was born

2001: Again, Europe decided that nah proper music isn't interesting and also we don't like to shower anymore! I was very annoying asking questions all the time like why this and why that. 

2002: No showers this year either, also, the one year UK really deserved to win they were robbed. Literally, the only year in human history they sent the best song.. robbed. Sometime in 2001 I had started in kindergarten, so by 2002 I had my first best friend and I was very attached to her for a long time. 

2003: Would you look at that, the Europeans (tm) are still afraid of taking a shower before they enter the stage. I think my parents briefly broke up in 2003 so we had to take the bus to kindergarten because my mother didn't have a licence or a car, also sometimes we biked there and other times we walked. 

2004: I got a radio/cd player thing for my 6th birthday, on my birthday we had innskrivning (?) at school. Rather than kicking out the countries that got the least points the year prior, Eurovision started with some kind of semi final concept. 

2005: My teachers told me to stop answering constantly in class and let other people answer sometimes, therefore I would gradually stop answering at all. Let the idiots speak then. Allegedly, 2005 is the longest contest in history as it took forever to do the vote thing. 

2006: After my best friend had changed school in 2005 I spent months trying to find a new place, eventually I became friends with two others so in 2006 my current best friend became gradually a more important part of my life, almost to the extent that she was basically like my parents' third child. Finland finally won Eurovision, which is the first win I remember, to this day I'm disappointed I fell asleep watching it but I was a child, only 8 years old. Iceland was robbed. 

2007: Videogames and being a general child.. a very bossy child. Eurovision had a kind of "lmao" vibe now, the performances had gotten more intense over the years. Everyone remembers Verka, the disappointment of Ukraine not winning. Here's the Byelorussian entry. 

2008: Emo phase already pending. 10 years old. Was a general twat, still very bossy. No longer allowed to be on habbo because I allegedly bullied my friend together with my best friend but no!! No more habbo! San Marino and Azerbaijan (possibly more but honestly who cares) entered the contest for the first time, San Marino was robbed, biggest crime in history. 2008 is arguably the year with the most bullshit entries. It is also the year when two semi finals were implemented permanently. 

2009: Definitely edging on emo now. Life is too hard to live, everyone should know this. The suffering of an 11 y/o. After having mocked the concept of goSupermodel which became very popular in my class in 2007/08, I made a troll account together with my best friend which was banned. After that, I started being there a lot with a bunch of accounts in various degrees of seriousness. 2009 is the year I wholeheartedly got into the contest, I bought the cd and listened to all songs on repeat. A great contest. Fantastic, 10/10. Nothing will ever compare to 2009. Almost all countries peaked. 

2010: I don't remember the exact year but I got guitar hero at some stage and was obsessed. This is how I got into Rammstein as none of my family members give a fuck about them. I was a die hard fan of Karpe Diem (now Karpe), my best friend and I had dedicated a religion (legit) to one of the members. Cult mentality. Eurovision was hosted in Oslo. Kinda sucked, all the good songs were lost in the semis. 

2011: Worried about starting on secondary school, hated everyone in my class. A bunch of idiots. We were 3 people included me in the friend group this year as the friend which was allegedly (but not really) bullied on habbo changed schools that school year. A lot of the people I had liked in my class had quit some time during elementary school. My dad moved back to Trondheim after having lived in this smaller shit place in Northern Trøndelag after my parents broke up for good in 2010. He lived in this really old house in the city centre and to this day I miss the experience. Almost freezing to death in the hallways because it was like -10 inside. Eurovision was honestly very underwhelming in 2011, but in retrospect a lot of the songs were actually really good. 

2012: Secondary school fucking sucks and I was very close to becoming an actual drop out as I ended up in a class with no one I knew or liked, the teachers noticed and my mother talked with them about it so it was ensured that I would never be grouped with certain people as I literally could not with them and they got a list of names of people I thought I could become friends with and while they changed who sat with whom I would only sit with people on that list. The teacher I had in the majority of the subjects becomes a very important person in my life and to this day I am grateful he was my teacher as I think things would have been very different without a person like that. 2012 is one of the best years in Eurovision, naturally not to the same extent as 2009, but certainly up there. Winning song remains a disappointment to me. 

2013: I was very edgy. Started hanging with people I probably shouldn't have hanged with, luckily I'm not someone who is easily influenced by stuff like that. It's a bit concerning looking back at it but it's fine, you live and learn. Also, I was a big fucking weeb and that child was a disgrace. Favourite music? Literally anime openings. Started getting into politics but I would not reach my peak in politics yet. As for Eurovision? I started guessing who would win, I got it right. In retrospect.. it's not the best song. It's probably not even in the top 10. I also adored the Greek entry and I still adore the Greek entry. 

2014: I'd love to say I remember things from the year I turned 16, but I really don't. I was so paralysed by stress I was sick for months after secondary. I was constantly stressed about things, especially school. I don't remember this, this is something my mother has told me afterwards. I was so stressed about my grades, my future, what exams I would have, literally everything. I was scared I would have a written exam in maths as it's really something I've struggled with (I'd likely get a 2 which is the lowest passing grade in Norway). However, I got written English, I was the only person in my class who got 6 (highest grade) and UDIR (department of education) paid me money to use my exam as an example on how to reach the highest grade on written exams in English. For the oral exam, I was very worried I'd get natural science or maths, and while everyone who was in the same group as me was on the verge of crying because we got Spanish, I was beyond happy.. however, this was all after Eurovision. In 2014, I was very into YOHIO. Will not elaborate. Never. For the second time in a row I guessed the right winner of the contest. 

2015: High school was much better for me. I instantly got a lot of friends in my class, started getting a better grip of who I am. The confidence I had lost somewhere along the way was finally back. I became active in politics. I was very social. Overall a very good year, honestly. 2015 is a year that was fantastic in Eurovision. The winner is wrong, it really is. I recall talking to my friends in high school about it. Italy was THE entry. It remains THE entry. 

2016: 18. I can finally vote! Too bad it's not an election year.. I started noticing health problems. I'm still trying to figure out what's wrong. P.E. became suffering. I became closer with the alleged Greek guy. Still a very social life despite being very against the concept of alcohol and drinking. Did end up actually going to parties and stuff every now and then, but it's really nothing for me at all and I have returned to not drinking alcohol at all. As I originally intended never to do. Oh well, we're all idiots some times. 2016 was also a very good year in Eurovision. I remember seeing it live with two of my high school friends at the second house of the parents of one of them.. because I had friends from a completely different socioeconomic background than me. We ate pizza. Luckily the internet didn't cooperate so we didn't have to suffer through Justin Timberlake. 

2017: I was very done with high school. Being a russ was as shitty and underwhelming as I expected it to be. I started actively trying to figure out what I wanted to become, originally I intended on becoming a teacher. Until I realised.. I fucking hate idiots. I cannot. I opted to study English for a year to get student loan while living home, saving money so I had an account for the future if my economy was shit. A bit more frequent on parties, while gradually becoming more distant with people as I somehow decided no thanks I don't want you and your shit in my life anymore. Went to a school trip with the English classes and Latin to Oxford in March, usually it was to Rome but because of terror they didn't want to go to Italy so guess what happened when we were in England.. anyway. Eurovision 2017 was really weird because it was disappointing and fantastic simultaneously. Songs I really loved didn't advance to the final. Portugal finally won and it was shockingly emotional for me, I genuinely cried when they won because for years they had talked about Portugal basically being a failure. Few people saw it coming, honestly. Just look at the rankings of the Eurovision community members on youtube, it was not a favourite at all. 

2018: I discovered my true passion. Linguistics. And sports. And languages. There's a lot of them. It really is. In January 2018 I visited Helsinki together with a friend from high school. I hadn't been in my dad's home country since 2000. I had never been to my grandmother's grave, and I hadn't seen my uncle since my confirmation thing in 2013 and honestly I don't even recall that he came. Visiting the grave of my grandmother, uncle and aunt was surprisingly emotional for me, and we weren't there for long. I put up a light there and laid a flower or some shit there and felt like I'm not really able to be here I don't want to cry in front of my friend, my uncle and his friend. We also went to Porvoo and visited a family grave there.. Must have been real fun for my friend visiting a bunch of graves and meeting my shady af uncle being like "here you can get drugs in 2 seconds" and in general being very anti-social. I still don't believe her when she says it was okay like mate we went to his apartment and you get lung cancer from just being near the door honestly. Anyway.. enough about that. 
Now, 2018 is a year that in Eurovision became utterly destroyed for me because of the win. It's not about the political aspect, but the fact that the song is absolutely fucking shit and it awakes an ancient rage in me. I became pissed, PISSED, when Israel won. I went to the bathroom every single time she performed, listening to music so high on my headset that I nearly got tinnitus just to block the noise out. I told my mother to turn the tv off as the pain was just too much. It really did kill the contest for me, and it's only recently I've truly started to find back to something that nearly defined me as a person for a decade. BloomCissi has seen how much material I have on Eurovision (not all of it however) and like, I haven't updated it since Netta won. It was just.. dead to me. 

2019: I was miserably living in Oslo. There's a lot of shit about it around on vp. I hate Oslo. Hate Oslo. I was very happy with my studies. Linguistics is right. It's not much more to say. 2019 is also the year of my boycott of the contest, partly because of political aspects and mainly because the song was trash, is trash and forever remains trash. I went through all songs in July (?) the year after, some songs are really good. I have nothing to say about the contest as I did not see it and never will. 

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Comment on this blog Eurovision and my life of Private.
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Private wrote on 26-01 19:24:
Wug wrote:
Nesta wrote:
i actually died for a sec there.
"Europe collectively decided they didn't know what proper music is, "
Is it a lie tho lmao
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Private wrote on 25-01 16:50:
Wug wrote:
BunnyButts wrote:
Snusmumrikken wrote:
BunnyButts wrote:
Im jealous you remember so much for me 2007-2015 are huge ???? in memory lol
I remember a lot because my memory is like connect memory to song, connect memory to event and then I listen to a song and go like ah yes I remember that day in April when I was allowed to use the computer to play habbo and I listened to this song, it was around easter, the sun hit the computer screen and it was very annoying. Let me play habbo without this intervention of the sun!! 
damn I have one bad day and I forget the entire month
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BunnyButts wrote on 25-01 16:25:
BunnyButts wrote:
Snusmumrikken wrote:
BunnyButts wrote:
Snusmumrikken wrote:
lmao basically, there's a lot more to add but i wasn't very sure about the estimated years so yeah
Im jealous you remember so much for me 2007-2015 are huge ???? in memory lol
I remember a lot because my memory is like connect memory to song, connect memory to event and then I listen to a song and go like ah yes I remember that day in April when I was allowed to use the computer to play habbo and I listened to this song, it was around easter, the sun hit the computer screen and it was very annoying. Let me play habbo without this intervention of the sun!! 
damn I have one bad day and I forget the entire month
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Private wrote on 25-01 15:45:
Wug wrote:
BunnyButts wrote:
Snusmumrikken wrote:
BunnyButts wrote:
snufkin origin story
lmao basically, there's a lot more to add but i wasn't very sure about the estimated years so yeah
Im jealous you remember so much for me 2007-2015 are huge ???? in memory lol
I remember a lot because my memory is like connect memory to song, connect memory to event and then I listen to a song and go like ah yes I remember that day in April when I was allowed to use the computer to play habbo and I listened to this song, it was around easter, the sun hit the computer screen and it was very annoying. Let me play habbo without this intervention of the sun!! 
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BunnyButts wrote on 25-01 15:41:
BunnyButts wrote:
Snusmumrikken wrote:
BunnyButts wrote:
snufkin origin story
lmao basically, there's a lot more to add but i wasn't very sure about the estimated years so yeah
Im jealous you remember so much for me 2007-2015 are huge ???? in memory lol
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Private wrote on 25-01 15:39:
Wug wrote:
BunnyButts wrote:
snufkin origin story
lmao basically, there's a lot more to add but i wasn't very sure about the estimated years so yeah
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BunnyButts wrote on 25-01 15:36:
BunnyButts wrote:
snufkin origin story
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Private wrote on 25-01 15:29:
Wug wrote:
Jisatsu wrote:
i hate lenas taken by a stranger.. there was a different song she almost sang which was beautiful but they held a voting and taken by a stranger won.. ew
I quite like taken by a stranger. I absolutely hate satellite tho 
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Jisatsu wrote on 25-01 11:46:
Jisatsu wrote:
i hate lenas taken by a stranger.. there was a different song she almost sang which was beautiful but they held a voting and taken by a stranger won.. ew
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Private wrote on 25-01 02:54:
Wug wrote:
XBillieEyelashx wrote:
I just read your other blogs about the ESC a few hours ago.
Very interesting content. Funfact I was reading this while
listening to Lie To Me. 
Wow really? 
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ThomaStanaccount wrote on 25-01 02:24:
ThomaStanaccount wrote:
I just read your other blogs about the ESC a few hours ago.
Very interesting content. Funfact I was reading this while
listening to Lie To Me. 
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Private wrote on 25-01 01:58:
Wug wrote:
Procrastination at its finest